Storyteller, Photographer, Writer + Coach

How to Tell Authentic Stories:
The Masterclass

I’m so glad you’re here!

Wow - wow - WOW! I am so stoked you are here! Thank you for choosing to invest in yourself by watching this masterclass. In this masterclass you will learn all about my perspective on what it means to tell and visually document an authentic story.

Your class includes the video below, along with the eBook and worksheet you will see highlighted in the buttons. I hope you enjoy, let me know if you have any questions!



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If you enjoyed the above, I would love to have you join the My signature program, The Storyteller Workshop!

i’f you’re feeling stoked, I’d love for you to take a snapshot and share on social + tag me!

and if you’re feeling really jazzed, below is the link to write a review! I appreciate you!