The Importance of Playing Outside with Your Coworkers

The Importance of Playing Outside with Your Coworkers

Building a better work environment.

This article is published on The Outbound.

As in most work environments, you learn to work with a team. You learn what you love about them and what you can't stand. You figure out work arounds and continue on being the most productive human you can be. Other than the occasional office parties, how often do you find yourself really socializing amongst your coworkers? 

Working for a small graphic design firm - called 970 Design, based out of Vail, Colorado - the perks are what you’d expect for a creative job at the top of the rocky mountains: ski pass, powder days, flexible schedule, ability to work remotely, etc. With all those perks, we still make time as a company and as a team to bond outside the workplace. We make time for the reason we all are here - to play outside. 

Just a couple weeks back we took a company hut trip in the 10th Mtn Division Hut system to the 10th Mountain Hut. Skinning and snowshoeing about 4 miles into a remote hut at the base of Homestake Peak at nearly 11,500 feet. We played outside, skied some mountains, cooked, relaxed, and of course indulged in whiskey and fishbowl off the grid for 48 hours.

As I had before, I found myself amongst not only my co-workers but friends. Each different and complex in their own way. A very sonder moment you could say - “the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.” Each time our team partakes in an endeavor like this, an additional level of respect seems to develop for each teammate of mine. It’s moments like this where you remember everyone you work with is a human being, and not just somebody that sits by you 40 hours a week or who you chat with online. You get as taste for what makes them vulnerable, what makes them smile, and what type of humor they have.

Making time to bond with your coworkers, introduces respect and removes resentment.

Moral of the Story: Convince your boss and coworkers to drink whiskey and go skiing, it’ll make you’re work life that much more productive.